This is a Xeon comparison.
A Xeon microprocessor has its roots in AMD processors from the Dual Core processors, the P6-based systems and the Pentium II processor. It comes from Intel company and has a 64-bit multi-core, multi-thread ability. It is meant to be used in servers and workstations.
The Xeon comes with DCM software which is Data Center Management software. The competition includes the i7 also from Intel, with a 64-bit processor and four cores, that is nice for desktop PCs with multi-tasking efficiency, plus, it has the HD Boost technology which is great for gamers.
Large core processors such as those with 8-core assembly do not work with many games. Price wise, an i7 is more expensive than the Xeon except for the least units going up to $3,000 while the Xeon's prices are kept between $284 and $550-$560.
Intel processors of the Xeon family come equipped with differently sized caches, each having unique traits. The names of these Xeons are Intel Xeon Processor with 256K L2 Cache with voltage range of 1250V to 1400V ($75), Intel Xeon Processor with 512K L2 Cache, Intel Xeon Processor for 1U Rack Servers with 512K L2 Cache ($259), Intel Xeon Processor with 800 MHz System Bus and 1 or 2 MB L2 Cache ($350-$1,000) and finally the Intel Xeon Processor MP ($2,500) that uniquely supports multiprocessor server designs.
Xeon with 256K supports dual processor workstations, is compatible with Intel 860 chipset and has the available speeds of 1.40, 1.50, 1.70 and 2 GHz. This ships with a power wind tunnel.
Xeon with 512 K L2 Cache supports dual processor workstations and server designs, is compatible with Intel E7210, Intel E7500, Intel E7501 and Intel 860 Chipsets, has Hyper-Threading Technology which is hardware support for multi-threaded server applications and also ships with a PWT (power wind tunnel). Its available speeds are 1.80, 2, 2.20, 2.40, 2.60, 2.80, 3, 3.06 and 3.20 GHz just as the Xeon Processor for 1U Rack Servers and the Xeon with 800 MHz do.
Speeds available on the Intel Xeon MP are only up to 3 MHz and on the 800 MHz there is one more speed at 3.60 MHz.
All of the basic Intel Xeon Processors, from 256K L2 Cache to the Intel Xeon Processor MP come with Intel NetBurst Micro-Architecture and Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (the 800MHz with 3 Extensions).
The Intel Xeon Processor MP sports a level 3 cache with 4MB, 2MB, 1MB, 512KB or 256KB. All remaining units also sport the Hyperthreading Technology the same as the Xeon with 512KB L2 Cache.
In completing a Xeon comparison, one can not leave out the Xeon MP which also provides compatibility with 3rd party chipsets, fully loaded with things like DDR Memory or PCI-XI/O. Visit for more information - (free information). |